目成心许怎么读 目成心许的意思

chéng xīn



拼音: mù chéng xīn xǔ

注音: ㄇㄨˋ ㄔㄥˊ ㄒ一ㄣ ㄒㄨˇ

解释: 目成:以目传情,心意相通。许:允许;许诺。形容男女双方以眉目传情,互通爱慕之意,心里暗暗相许。亦作“目成眉语”、“目成心授”。

出处: 明·梅鼎祚《玉合记·缘合》:“罗敷知他有夫,不着紧目成心许,虽多梦见,此生应见稀。”

例子: 清·王韬《淞隐漫录·媚梨小传》:“生与女两相爱悦,目成心许,誓为伉俪。”

用法: 作谓语;用于男女之间。

近义词: 目窕心与

单字解释: [目]的意思 [成]的意思 [心]的意思 [许]的意思


Mu Cheng: convey feelings with eyes and connect hearts and minds. Xu: allowed; promise. It describes that men and women exchange affection and love with each other, and secretly promise each other in their hearts. Also known as "eyes into eyebrows", "eyes into heart".