百鸟朝凤怎么读 百鸟朝凤的意思

bǎi niǎo cháo fèng



拼音: bǎi niǎo cháo fèng

注音: ㄅㄞˇ ㄋ一ㄠˇ ㄔㄠˊ ㄈㄥˋ

解释: 朝:朝见;凤:凤凰,古代传说中的鸟王。旧时喻指君主圣明而天下依附,后也比喻德高望重者众望所归。

出处: 宋·李昉等《太平御览》九百一十五卷引《唐书》:“海州言凤见于城上,群鸟数百随之,东北飞向苍梧山。”

例子: 那些玉斝中的长春露酒也都由站在身边侍候的宫女接过去倾入一只绘着百鸟朝凤的大瓷缸中。(姚雪垠《李自成》第二卷第三十一章)

用法: 作宾语、定语;用于书面语。

英语: all birds paying homage to the phoenix--peace under a wise ruler

近义词: 众星捧月

单字解释: [百]的意思 [鸟]的意思 [朝]的意思 [凤]的意思


Facing: meeting in court; Phoenix: Phoenix, the bird king in ancient legend. In the old times, it was used to refer to the monarch who was holy and bright and attached to the world. Later, it was also used to refer to those who had high morality and high expectations.