白日见鬼怎么读 白日见鬼的意思

bái jiàn guǐ



拼音: bái rì jiàn guǐ

注音: ㄅㄞˊ ㄖˋ ㄐ一ㄢˋ ㄍㄨㄟˇ

解释: 大白天见到鬼。原比喻官府里清闲、冷落。现多比喻不可能出现的事。

出处: 宋 陆游《老学庵笔记》第六卷:“在京师时有语曰:‘吏、勋、封、考,笔头不倒……工、屯、虞、水,白日见鬼。’”

例子: 八戒道:“哥啊,我们连日造化低了。这两日白日见鬼!那个化风去的老儿是谁?”(明 吴承恩《西游记》第二十一回)

正音: “见”,不能读作“xiàn”。

用法: 偏正式;作谓语、定语、宾语;形容不可能出现的事。

英语: shear ghost tale(see demons in broad daylight, indicating strange, obscure, impossible thing)


单字解释: [白]的意思 [日]的意思 [见]的意思 [鬼]的意思


See ghosts in broad daylight. It refers to the four CAOS in the work department who have nothing to do and are very idle. The latter generally refers to things that are strange or fabricated out of nothing.