白屋寒门怎么读 白屋寒门的意思

bái hán mén



拼音: bái wū hán mén

注音: ㄅㄞˊ ㄨ ㄏㄢˊ ㄇㄣˊ

解释: 白屋:用白茅草盖的屋;寒门:清贫人家。泛指贫士的住屋。形容出身贫寒。

出处: 元 高文秀《琗范叔》第三折:“未亨通,遭穷困,身居在白屋寒门。”

用法: 作宾语;指穷苦人。

英语: an unpainted roughly built hut inhabited by the poor

单字解释: [白]的意思 [屋]的意思 [寒]的意思 [门]的意思


White House: a house made of white grass; Poor family: poor family. It refers to the housing of the poor. Describe being born poor.