璧合珠连怎么读 璧合珠连的意思

zhū lián



拼音: bì hé zhū lián

注音: ㄅ一ˋ ㄏㄜˊ ㄓㄨ ㄌ一ㄢˊ

解释: 璧:玉器;璧合:指两个半璧成一个;连:连接。日月如合璧,五星如连珠,古人认为是一种显示祥瑞的天象。也比喻众美毕集,相得益彰。

出处: 唐 杨炯《公卿以下冕服义》:“然则皇王受命,天地兴符,仰观则璧合珠连,俯察则银黄玉紫。”

例子: 璧合珠连琰琬垂,蠡应难测管难窥。清·查慎行《南书房敬观宸翰恭纪》诗之五

用法: 联合式;作定语、状语;同珠联璧合。

英语: excellent combination as a collection of pearls and gems

近义词: 璧合珠联

单字解释: [璧]的意思 [合]的意思 [珠]的意思 [连]的意思


① It refers to the sun and moon as a combination, and the five stars as a continuous bead. The ancients thought it was a celestial phenomenon showing auspiciousness. ② It is a metaphor for all beauties to complement each other.