猜拳行令怎么读 猜拳行令的意思

cāi quán xíng lìng



拼音: cāi quán xíng lìng

注音: ㄘㄞ ㄑㄨㄢˊ ㄒ一ㄥˊ ㄌ一ㄥˋ

解释: 划拳行酒令。形容宴饮欢畅。猜拳:饮酒时两人同时伸出手指并说一数,如数与两人伸出手指的总数相符为胜,输者罚酒。

出处: 明 凌濛初《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二十七:“汪秀才解带脱衣,尽情欢宴,猜拳行令,不存一毫形迹。”

例子: 这里摆酒上席,依次坐了。宾主七八个人,猜拳行令,大盘大碗,吃了个尽兴。清 吴敬梓《儒林外史》第五十二回

用法: 作谓语、宾语;指行酒令。

英语: play drinking games


单字解释: [猜]的意思 [拳]的意思 [行]的意思 [令]的意思


Punch line drinking order. Describe a happy banquet. Fist guessing: when drinking, two people stretch out their fingers and say a number at the same time. If the number is consistent with the total number of fingers stretched out by two people, they will win, and the loser will be fined.