狗血淋头怎么读 狗血淋头的意思

gǒu xuè lín tóu



拼音: gǒu xuè lín tóu

注音: ㄍㄡˇ ㄒㄩㄝˋ ㄌ一ㄣˊ ㄊㄡˊ

解释: 旧时迷信说法,谓狗血淋在妖人头上,就可使其妖法失灵。后形容骂得很凶,使被骂者如淋了狗血的妖人一样,无言以对,无计可施。

出处: 明·施耐庵《水浒传》第五十三回:“马知府道:‘必然是个妖人!’教去取些法物来。牢子、节级将李逵捆翻,驱下厅前草地里,一个虞候掇一盆狗血没头一淋。”

例子: 李晓明《平原枪声》:“他把杨大王八骂了个狗血淋头,还唾了他一脸。”

用法: 作宾语、状语、补语;指骂人。

英语: pour out a torrent of abuse(let loose a stream of abuse against)

近义词: 狗血喷头

单字解释: [狗]的意思 [血]的意思 [淋]的意思 [头]的意思


In the old superstition, it was said that dog blood drenched on the demon's head could make its demon law fail. Later, it was described as scolding fiercely, so that the scolded person was like an evil man drenched with dog blood. He was speechless and had nothing to do.