犒赏三军怎么读 犒赏三军的意思

kào shǎng sān jūn



拼音: kào shǎng sān jūn

注音: ㄎㄠˋ ㄕㄤˇ ㄙㄢ ㄐㄨㄣ

解释: 犒:以财物或食物慰劳、鼓励。三军:春秋时称中军、左军、右宫为三军;后统称军队。现指陆、海、空三军。指奖赏、慰劳军队将士。

出处: 清·钱彩《说岳全传》第49回:“再命户部颁发粮草彩缎,工部发出御酒三百坛,着礼部加封,差出内臣田思忠,解往潭州岳爷军前,犒赏三军。”

例子: 再命户部颁发粮草彩缎,……,差出内臣田思忠,解往潭州岳爷军前,犒赏三军。(清 钱彩《说岳全传》第四十九回)

用法: 作谓语、宾语;指奖赏将士。

英语: reward a victorious army with bounties


单字解释: [犒]的意思 [赏]的意思 [三]的意思 [军]的意思


Reward: comfort and encourage with property or food. Three armies: in the spring and Autumn period, the central army, the left army and the right palace were called the three armies; Later collectively referred to as the army. It now refers to the land, sea and air forces. It refers to rewarding and comforting military officers and soldiers.