拼音: wù fǔ chóng shēng
注音: ㄨˋ ㄈㄨˇ ㄔㄨㄥˊ ㄕㄥ
解释: 东西腐烂了才会生虫。比喻祸患的发生,总有内部的原因。也比喻本身有了弱点,别人才能乘机打击。
出处: 宋 苏轼《范增论》:“物必先腐也,而后虫生之;人必先疑也,而后谗入之。”
例子: 清·李绿园《歧路灯》第47回:“本县若执‘物腐虫生’之理究治起来,不说你这嫩皮肉受不得这场桁杨摧残。”
用法: 连动式;作宾语、分句;比喻祸患的发生必有内部原因。
谜语: 虫朽木
英语: ruin befalls only on those who have weaknesses(Worms invest decayed matter.)
Things rot before they grow insects. There are always internal reasons for the occurrence of disasters. It is also a metaphor for others to take advantage of their weaknesses.典故