牝咮鸣辰怎么读 牝咮鸣辰的意思

pìn zhòu míng chén



拼音: pìn zhòu míng chén

注音: ㄆ一ㄣˋ ㄓㄡˋ ㄇ一ㄥˊ ㄔㄣˊ

解释: 同“牝鸡司晨”。

出处: 《新唐书·长孙无忌褚遂良等传赞》:“反天之刚,挠阳之明,卒使牝咮鸣辰,胙移后家,可不哀哉!”

用法: 作宾语、定语;指女子掌权当政。

英语: The hen cackles in the morning.

近义词: 牝鸡司晨

单字解释: [牝]的意思 [咮]的意思 [鸣]的意思 [辰]的意思


The hen announced the dawn. In the old times, it was compared to women stealing power and disorderly politics. The same as "the hen is the morning".