满坐风生怎么读 满坐风生的意思

mǎn zuò fēng shēng



拼音: mǎn zuò fēng shēng

注音: ㄇㄢˇ ㄗㄨㄛˋ ㄈㄥ ㄕㄥ

解释: 亦作“满座风生”。座席之间飘来清风,使同座者都能感到。比喻来者神气不凡,光采动人。

出处: 前蜀·杜光庭《虬髯客传》:“俄而文皇到来,精彩惊人,长揖而坐,满坐风生,顾盼炜如也。”

用法: 作谓语、定语、状语;用于书面语。

近义词: 满座风生

单字解释: [满]的意思 [坐]的意思 [风]的意思 [生]的意思


There was a breeze between the seats, so that all the people in the same seat could feel it. It's a metaphor for someone who looks extraordinary and radiant. Also known as "full of wind".