滋蔓难图怎么读 滋蔓难图的意思

màn nán



拼音: zī màn nán tú

注音: ㄗ ㄇㄢˋ ㄋㄢˊ ㄊㄨˊ

解释: 滋:滋长;蔓:繁生、蔓延。野草滋生,难以消除。比喻势力扩大了再要消灭就很困难。

出处: 先秦 左丘明《左传 隐公元年》:“无使滋蔓;蔓,难图也。蔓草犹不可除,况君之宠弟乎。”

例子: 《清史稿 王拯传》:“群贼相为一气,滋蔓难图。”

用法: 紧缩式;作宾语、定语;指要防患未然。

近义词: 孳蔓难图

单字解释: [滋]的意思 [蔓]的意思 [难]的意思 [图]的意思


This refers to the breeding of weeds, which is difficult to eliminate. Later, it is used as an analogy to describe that it is very difficult to eliminate it when its power is expanded.