清圣浊贤怎么读 清圣浊贤的意思

qīng shèng zhuó xián



拼音: qīng shèng zhuó xián

注音: ㄑ一ㄥ ㄕㄥˋ ㄓㄨㄛˊ ㄒ一ㄢˊ

解释: 汉末饥荒,禁止酿酒,饮酒人避讳言酒,称清酒为圣人,浊酒为贤人。指酒的别称。

出处: 晋·陈寿《三国志·魏志·徐邈传》:“平日醉客谓酒清者为圣人,浊者为贤人。”

例子: 宋·陆游《泝溪》诗:“闲携清圣浊贤酒,重试朝南莫北风。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;指酒。

单字解释: [清]的意思 [圣]的意思 [浊]的意思 [贤]的意思


At the end of the Han Dynasty, it was strictly forbidden to make wine due to famine. Drinkers kept quiet about wine, saying that those with clear wine were saints and those with turbid wine were sages. Used of wine.