泰来否极怎么读 泰来否极的意思

tai lái fǒu



拼音: tai lái fǒu jí

注音: ˙ㄊㄞ ㄌㄞˊ ㄈㄡˇ ㄐ一ˊ

解释: 泰:周易卦名,是好卦。否:周易卦名,是坏卦。事物发展到一定程度,就要转化到它的对立面,好事来到是由于坏事已至终极,坏事变为好事。亦作“否去泰来”、“否极泰至”、“泰来否往”、“否极泰来”。

出处: 唐·白居易《遣怀》诗:“乐往转化,泰来犹否极。”

用法: 作谓语、宾语;指厄运结束。

英语: The extreme of prosperity is the beginning of adversity.(After a storm comes a calm.)


单字解释: [泰]的意思 [来]的意思 [否]的意思 [极]的意思


Tai: the name of Zhou Yi divination is a good divination. No: the name of Zhou Yi hexagram is bad. When a thing develops to a certain extent, it must be transformed into its opposite. Good things come because bad things have come to the end and become good things. It is also called "turning things around and bringing peace" and "no"