泄漏天机怎么读 泄漏天机的意思

xiè lòu tiān



拼音: xiè lòu tiān jī

注音: ㄒ一ㄝˋ ㄌㄡˋ ㄊ一ㄢ ㄐ一

解释: 天机:旧指神秘不可知的天意。借指特别秘密的事。指向人透露了不应该让人知道的神秘天意(迷信)或重要秘密。亦作“天机不可泄漏”、“漏泄天机”、“泄露天机”。

出处: 元·王伯成《贬夜郎》第三折:“往常恐东风吹与外人知,怎样这里泄漏天机。”

例子: 清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第48回:“若说出实情,又恐泄漏天机,致生灾患。”

用法: 作谓语、宾语、定语;用于处事。

英语: blow the gab(let the cat out of the bag)

近义词: 泄露天机

单字解释: [泄]的意思 [漏]的意思 [天]的意思 [机]的意思


Secret of heaven: it used to refer to mysterious and unknowable Providence. I mean something very secret. Reveal mysterious Providence (superstition) or important secrets that should not be known to people. It is also known as "the secret of heaven cannot be revealed", "the secret of heaven can be revealed" and "the secret of heaven can be revealed"