沿波讨源怎么读 沿波讨源的意思

yán tǎo yuán



拼音: yán bō tǎo yuán

注音: 一ㄢˊ ㄅㄛ ㄊㄠˇ ㄩㄢˊ

解释: 沿波:顺着水流;讨源:探索源头。循着水流寻找源头。原比喻作文时由次要的写到主要的,最后点出主题。后比喻探讨事物的本末。

出处: 晋 陆机《文赋》:“或因枝以振叶,或沿波而讨源。”

例子: 南朝·梁·刘勰《文心雕龙·知音》:“观文者披文以人情,沿波讨源,虽幽必显。”

用法: 联合式;作谓语、定语。


单字解释: [沿]的意思 [波]的意思 [讨]的意思 [源]的意思


Along the wave: along the water flow; Discuss the source: explore the source. Follow the current to find the source. In the original metaphorical composition, the minor is written into the major, and the theme is pointed out at the end. The latter metaphor discusses the origin and end of things.