民膏民脂怎么读 民膏民脂的意思

mín gāo mín zhī



拼音: mín gāo mín zhī

注音: ㄇ一ㄣˊ ㄍㄠ ㄇ一ㄣˊ ㄓ

解释: 膏、脂:油脂。比喻人民用血汗创造的财富。

出处: 宋 张唐英《蜀壽杌》下卷:“尔俸尔禄,民膏民脂。为人父母,罔不仁慈。”

例子: 元·无名氏《村乐堂》第三折:“尔俸尔禄,民膏民脂,下民易虐,上苍难欺也呵!”

用法: 作宾语;指人们的财富。

英语: flesh and blood of the people

俄语: народная кровь

近义词: 民脂民膏

单字解释: [民]的意思 [膏]的意思 [民]的意思 [脂]的意思


Fat and cream: fat. It is a metaphor for the wealth that people exchange for their blood and sweat. It is often used to refer to occasions where the reactionary ruling class oppresses the people to fatten themselves.