毛发倒竖怎么读 毛发倒竖的意思

máo dǎo shù



拼音: máo fā dǎo shù

注音: ㄇㄠˊ ㄈㄚ ㄉㄠˇ ㄕㄨˋ

解释: 倒竖:尾端朝上直立。汗毛、头发都竖起来。①比喻怒不可遏。②形容很害怕,很紧张。亦作“毛发皆竖”、“毛发尽竖”、“毛发为竖”。

出处: 明·罗贯中《三国演义》第20回:“腾读毕,毛发倒竖,咬牙嚼舌,满口流血。”

例子: 清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第75回:“看那月色时,也淡淡的,不似先前明朗,众人都觉毛发倒竖。”

用法: 作谓语、状语、定语;用于愤怒、惊吓等。

英语: with one's hair standing on end

近义词: 毛发皆竖

单字解释: [毛]的意思 [发]的意思 [倒]的意思 [竖]的意思


Upside down: stand upright with the tail end upward. Hair and hair stand up. ① Metaphor: rage. ② Describe being scared and nervous. Also known as "all hair is vertical", "all hair is vertical" and "hair is vertical".