比目连枝怎么读 比目连枝的意思

lián zhī



拼音: bǐ mù lián zhī

注音: ㄅ一ˇ ㄇㄨˋ ㄌ一ㄢˊ ㄓ

解释: 比目:比目鱼,传说仅一眼,须两鱼并游;连枝:连在一起的树枝。比喻形影不离的情侣和朋友。

出处: 元 贾固《醉高歌过红绣鞋 寄金莺儿》:“乐心儿比目连枝,肯意儿新婚燕儿。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;指情侣和夫妻。

近义词: 比翼连枝

单字解释: [比]的意思 [目]的意思 [连]的意思 [枝]的意思


Comparison order: halibut, it is said that it has only one eye and must swim with two fish; Connected branches: branches connected together. It is a metaphor for inseparable lovers and friends.