正始之音怎么读 正始之音的意思

zhèng shǐ zhī yīn



拼音: zhèng shǐ zhī yīn

注音: ㄓㄥˋ ㄕˇ ㄓ 一ㄣ

解释: ①指魏晋玄谈风气。出现于三国魏正始年间。当时以何晏、王弼为首,以老庄思想糅合儒家经义,谈玄析理,放达不羁;名土风流,盛于洛下,世称“正始之音”。②指纯正的乐声。

出处: 《晋书·卫玠传》:“昔王辅嗣吐金声于中朝,此子复玉振于江表,微言之绪,绝而复续。不意永嘉之末,复闻正始之音。”

例子: 正始之音其若何,朱弦疏越清庙歌。一弹一唱再三叹,曲淡节稀声不多。融融曳曳召元气,听之不觉心平和。(唐·白居易《五弦弹》诗)

用法: 作主语、宾语;用于书面语。

单字解释: [正]的意思 [始]的意思 [之]的意思 [音]的意思


① It refers to the atmosphere of Xuantan in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. It appeared in the Three Kingdoms period of Wei Zhengshi. At that time, led by He Yan and Wang Bi, Lao Zhuang thought combined with Confucian classics, talked about metaphysics and analyzed theories, and was unrestrained; It is famous for its rustic style and flourishes in Luoxia. ② Pure music.