正冠纳履怎么读 正冠纳履的意思

zhèng guàn



拼音: zhèng guàn nà lǚ

注音: ㄓㄥˋ ㄍㄨㄢˋ ㄋㄚˋ ㄌㄩˇ

解释: 端正帽子,穿好鞋子。古时讲李树下不要弄帽子,瓜田里不要弄鞋子,以避免有偷李摸瓜的嫌疑。亦作“正冠李下”。

出处: 晋·李阐《右光禄大夫西平靖侯颜府君碑》:“久要心许之信,夷险不爽;正冠纳展之嫌,终始不蹈。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;用于处事。

近义词: 正冠李下

单字解释: [正]的意思 [冠]的意思 [纳]的意思 [履]的意思


Straighten your hat and put on your shoes. In ancient times, it was said not to make hats under plum trees and shoes in melon fields, so as to avoid the suspicion of stealing plums and touching melons. Also known as "the crown and the bottom of the plum".