横赋暴敛怎么读 横赋暴敛的意思

héng bào liǎn



拼音: héng fù bào liǎn

注音: ㄏㄥˊ ㄈㄨˋ ㄅㄠˋ ㄌ一ㄢˇ

解释: 横、暴:残暴,强横,凶狠;赋、敛:征税,聚财。强横残暴地征收苛捐杂税。形容反动统治阶级贪婪凶狠、搜刮人民的罪行。

出处: 宋·朱熹《已酉拟上封事》:“国家财用皆出人民,如有不节而用度有阙,则横赋暴敛必将有及于民,虽有爱人之心,而民不被其泽矣。”

用法: 作谓语、宾语;指残酷剥削。

近义词: 横科暴敛

单字解释: [横]的意思 [赋]的意思 [暴]的意思 [敛]的意思


Tyranny: cruel, violent and ferocious; Tax collection: tax collection and wealth accumulation. The imposition of exorbitant taxes and levies. It describes the crime of the reactionary ruling class, which is greedy and ferocious and raids the people.