桑枢瓮牖怎么读 桑枢瓮牖的意思

sāng shū wèng yǒu



拼音: sāng shū wèng yǒu

注音: ㄙㄤ ㄕㄨ ㄨㄥˋ 一ㄡˇ

解释: 枢:门上的转轴;瓮牖:简陋的窗户。用桑树做门轴,用瓦罐做窗户,比喻贫苦之家。

出处: 先秦 庄周《庄子 让王》:“蓬户不完,桑以为枢机而瓮牖,二室,褐以为塞。”

例子: 我便是桑枢瓮牖,他也情愿的布袄荆钗。(元 武汉臣《玉壶春》第三折)

用法: 联合式;作谓语、宾语;含贬义。

英语: door posts made of mulberry and broken jars used to stop wind

近义词: 蓬门荜户

单字解释: [桑]的意思 [枢]的意思 [瓮]的意思 [牖]的意思


Pivot: the rotating shaft on the door; Urn: a crude window. Mulberry trees are used as door hinges and earthen pots as windows, which are compared to a poor house.