染指于鼎怎么读 染指于鼎的意思

rǎn zhǐ dǐng



拼音: rǎn zhǐ yú dǐng

注音: ㄖㄢˇ ㄓˇ ㄩˊ ㄉ一ㄥˇ

解释: 鼎:古代用青铜制成的炊具,多为圆形,三足两耳。把手指伸到鼎里蘸点汤。比喻沾取非分的利益。

出处: 《左传 宣公四年》:“及食大夫鼋,召子公而弗与也。子公怒,染指于鼎,尝之而出。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;用于比喻句。

英语: take a share of something one is not entitled to

单字解释: [染]的意思 [指]的意思 [于]的意思 [鼎]的意思


Tripod: ancient cooking utensils made of bronze, mostly round, with three feet and two ears. Put your finger into the tripod and dip it in the soup. It's a metaphor for taking unfair interests.