析骨而炊怎么读 析骨而炊的意思

ér chuī



拼音: xī gǔ ér chuī

注音: ㄒ一 ㄍㄨˇ ㄦˊ ㄔㄨㄟ

解释: 同“析骸以爨”。指被围日久,粮尽柴绝的困境。亦以形容战乱或灾荒时期百姓的悲惨生活。

出处: 《史记 宋微子世家》:“王问:‘城中何如?’曰:‘析骨而炊,易子而食。’”

用法: 作谓语、定语;用于生活。

近义词: 析骸以爨

单字解释: [析]的意思 [骨]的意思 [而]的意思 [炊]的意思


It is the same as "disjuncting the bones and Cuan". It refers to the dilemma of being surrounded for a long time and running out of food and firewood. It also describes the miserable life of the people during the war or famine.