朽索驭马怎么读 朽索驭马的意思

xiǔ suǒ



拼音: xiǔ suǒ yù mǎ

注音: ㄒ一ㄡˇ ㄙㄨㄛˇ ㄩˋ ㄇㄚˇ

解释: 用腐烂的绳索驾驭奔驰的马。形容倾覆的危险十分严重。多含戒惧之意。亦作“腐索御马。”

出处: 《尚书·五子之歌》:“予临兆民,懔乎若朽索之驭六马。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;用于比喻句。

英语: ride a horse with decayed leashes(be extremely precarious)

单字解释: [朽]的意思 [索]的意思 [驭]的意思 [马]的意思


Harness a galloping horse with a rotten rope. Describe the danger of overturning as very serious. It's full of fear. Also known as "corrupt rope to resist the horse."