朝野上下怎么读 朝野上下的意思

cháo shàng xià



拼音: cháo yě shàng xià

注音: ㄔㄠˊ 一ㄝˇ ㄕㄤˋ ㄒ一ㄚˋ

解释: 朝野:指朝廷和民间;上下:从中央到地方。指从中央到地方,从做官的到老百姓。

出处: 清 魏源《治篇十一》:“其朝野上下,莫不玩细娱而苟近安,安其危而利其害。

例子: 若其栋梁方颓,樽俎犹昔,朝野上下,犹嘤鸣娱乐,颜色无改,斯非意重辞复,难可曲喻。(章炳麟《〈正学报〉缘起》)

用法: 作主语、宾语、定语;指全国上下的人。

英语: government officials and the people

近义词: 举国上下

单字解释: [朝]的意思 [野]的意思 [上]的意思 [下]的意思


Court and people: refers to the court and people; Up and down: from the center to the place. It refers to from the central government to the local government, from officials to the people.