拼音: wàng dì tí juān
注音: ㄨㄤˋ ㄉ一ˋ ㄊ一ˊ ㄐㄨㄢ
解释: 相传战国时蜀王杜宇称帝,号望帝,为蜀治水有功,后禅位臣子,退隐西山,死后化为杜鹃鸟,啼声凄切。后常指悲哀凄惨的啼哭。
出处: 元·关汉卿《窦娥冤》:“若没些儿灵圣与世人传,也不见得湛湛清天。我不要半星血红尘洒,都只在八尺旗枪素练悬。等他四下里皆瞧见,这就是咱苌弘化碧,望帝啼鹃。”
用法: 作宾语、定语;指冤魂的悲鸣。
近义词: 杜鹃啼血
It is said that during the Warring States period, Du Yu, king of Shu, became emperor and was named emperor Wang. He made meritorious contributions to the control of water in Shu. Later, he became a minister of Zen and retired from the west mountain. After his death, he turned into a cuckoo with a sad cry. It often refers to a sad cry.典故