曲终奏雅怎么读 曲终奏雅的意思

zhōng zòu



拼音: qǔ zhōng zòu yǎ

注音: ㄑㄨˇ ㄓㄨㄥ ㄗㄡˋ 一ㄚˇ

解释: 乐曲到终结处奏出了典雅纯正的乐音。后比喻文章或艺术表演在结尾处特别精采。也比喻结局很好。

出处: 西汉 司马迁《史记 司马相如列传论》:“扬雄以为靡丽之赋,劝百而风一,犹聘郑卫之声,曲终而奏雅,不已亏乎?”

例子: 这真是“曲终奏雅”,令人如释重负,觉得天皇毕竟圣明,好人也终于得救。(鲁迅《且介亭杂文 病后杂谈》)

用法: 紧缩式;作宾语、宾语;含褒义。

英语: a brilliant conclusion(a grand finale)

单字解释: [曲]的意思 [终]的意思 [奏]的意思 [雅]的意思


At the end of the music, an elegant and pure tone was played. The post figurative article or artistic performance is particularly brilliant at the end. It also means that the ending is good.