暮虢朝虞怎么读 暮虢朝虞的意思

guó zhāo



拼音: mù guó zhāo yú

注音: ㄇㄨˋ ㄍㄨㄛˊ ㄓㄠ ㄩˊ

解释: 春秋时晋国假道虞国去打虢国,打下虢国之后,在归途中又把虞国灭了。比喻覆灭变迁的迅速。

出处: 金 元好问《俳体雪香亭杂咏》:“洛阳城阙变灰烟,暮虢朝虞只眼前。”

用法: 联合式;作定语、宾语;比喻覆灭变迁的迅速。

单字解释: [暮]的意思 [虢]的意思 [朝]的意思 [虞]的意思


In the spring and Autumn period, the state of Jin went to fight the state of Guo under the guise of the state of Yu. After fighting the state of Guo, it destroyed the state of Yu on its way home. Metaphor for the rapid change of destruction.