暮楚朝秦怎么读 暮楚朝秦的意思

chǔ zhāo qín



拼音: mù chǔ zhāo qín

注音: ㄇㄨˋ ㄔㄨˇ ㄓㄠ ㄑ一ㄣˊ

解释: ①战国时期,秦楚两大强国对立,有些弱小国家时而事秦,时而事楚。后以“暮楚朝秦”比喻反复无常或主意不定。②比喻事物的归属变换不定。

出处: 清·张岱《陶庵梦忆·日月湖》:“平泉木石多暮楚朝秦,故园亭亦聊为之。”

例子: 孙中山《第二次护法宣言》:“国中政党,言之可羞,暮楚朝秦,宗旨靡定。”

用法: 作谓语、定语;比喻反复无常。

近义词: 朝秦暮楚

单字解释: [暮]的意思 [楚]的意思 [朝]的意思 [秦]的意思


① During the Warring States period, the two great powers of Qin and Chu were in opposition. Some weak countries sometimes worked in Qin and sometimes in Chu. Later, it is used as a metaphor for caprice or indecision. ② Metaphorically, the ownership of things changes indefinitely.