普济众生怎么读 普济众生的意思

zhòng shēng



拼音: pǔ jì zhòng shēng

注音: ㄆㄨˇ ㄐ一ˋ ㄓㄨㄥˋ ㄕㄥ

解释: 同“普度众生”。

出处: 唐·法琳《辨正论》:“妻曰:‘我本佛家女,为我做佛事。’应即往精舍中,见竺昙镜,镜曰:‘普济众生,但君当一心受持耳。”

用法: 作谓语、定语、宾语;用于佛教等。

英语: save all living beings from calamities

近义词: 普济群生

单字解释: [普]的意思 [济]的意思 [众]的意思 [生]的意思


In Buddhist language, it is believed that the public camp is disturbing, such as drowning in the sea. The Buddha is compassionate, exerts great magic power and tries his best to relieve them in order to get on the other shore. The same as "universal living beings".