拼音: yàn ān zhèn dú
注音: 一ㄢˋ ㄢ ㄓㄣˋ ㄉㄨˊ
解释: 晏:安逸;鸩:传说中的毒鸟,用其羽毛泡酒,有剧毒。指贪图享乐等于喝毒酒自杀
出处: 春秋·鲁·左丘明《左传·闵公元年》:“宴安鸩毒,不可怀也。”
例子: 唐·吴兢《乐府古题要解·君子有所思行》:“晏安鸩毒,满盈所宜敬忌。”
用法: 作宾语、定语;用于劝诫人。
英语: Living at leisure is like drinking poisoned wine
近义词: 宴安鸩毒
Yan: ease; Poison: the legendary poisonous bird steeped in wine with its feathers. It is highly poisonous. It means that the desire for pleasure is equal to suicide by drinking poisonous wine.典故