春诵夏弦怎么读 春诵夏弦的意思

chūn sòng xià xián



拼音: chūn sòng xià xián

注音: ㄔㄨㄣ ㄙㄨㄥˋ ㄒ一ㄚˋ ㄒ一ㄢˊ

解释: 指应按季节采取不同的学习方式。后泛指读书学习。

出处: 西汉 戴圣《礼记 文王世子》:“春诵夏弦,大师诏之。”

例子: 入于门墙,如造阙里。春诵夏弦,载飏淑声。(唐 刘禹锡《许州文宣王新庙碑》)

用法: 联合式;作谓语;泛指读书学习。

单字解释: [春]的意思 [诵]的意思 [夏]的意思 [弦]的意思


Recitation and string: in ancient schools, when reading poetry, those who only recite orally are called "recitation", and those who cooperate with musical instruments are called "string". It originally means that different learning methods should be adopted according to the season. Generally refers to reading and learning.