明刑弼教怎么读 明刑弼教的意思

míng xíng jiào



拼音: míng xíng bì jiào

注音: ㄇ一ㄥˊ ㄒ一ㄥˊ ㄅ一ˋ ㄐ一ㄠˋ

解释: 弼:辅助。用刑法晓喻人民,使人们都知法、畏法而守法,以达到教化所不能收到的效果。

出处: 《尚书 大禹漠》:“汝作士,明于五刑,以弼五教,期于予治。”

例子: 明刑弼教,道尊老氏。(唐 张说《起义堂颂》)

用法: 联合式;作谓语;含褒义。

英语: integrate punishment with education

单字解释: [明]的意思 [刑]的意思 [弼]的意思 [教]的意思


Bi: auxiliary. The criminal law is used to tell the people, so that people know the law, fear the law and abide by the law, so as to achieve the effect that education can not receive.