无遮大会怎么读 无遮大会的意思

zhē huì



拼音: wú zhē dà huì

注音: ㄨˊ ㄓㄜ ㄉㄚˋ ㄏㄨㄟˋ

解释: 无遮:没有遮拦,指不分贵贱、僧俗、智愚、善恶,平等看待。佛家语,原指布施僧俗的大会。后也用作其它的泛称。

出处: 《梁书·武帝本纪》:“舆驾幸同泰寺,设四部无遮大会。”

用法: 作宾语;指布施僧俗的大会。

英语: meeting open to all

单字解释: [无]的意思 [遮]的意思 [大]的意思 [会]的意思


No cover: there is no cover, which means that people are treated equally regardless of high and low, monks and customs, wisdom and stupidity, good and evil. In Buddhist language, it originally refers to the general assembly of giving alms to monks and laymen. Later, it is also used as other general terms.