斧钺汤镬怎么读 斧钺汤镬的意思

yuè tāng huò



拼音: fǔ yuè tāng huò

注音: ㄈㄨˇ ㄩㄝˋ ㄊㄤ ㄏㄨㄛˋ

解释: 斧钺:古代军中刑戮。汤:滚开的水。镬:古代的大锅。汤镬:古代一种酷刑,把犯人投入滚水中煮死。指各种酷刑。

出处: 《汉书·苏武传》:“虽蒙斧钺汤镬,诚甘乐之。”

用法: 作主语、宾语、定语;用于刑罚。

单字解释: [斧]的意思 [钺]的意思 [汤]的意思 [镬]的意思


Axe: killing in the ancient army. Soup: boiling water. Wok: ancient big pot. Wok: an ancient form of torture in which prisoners were boiled to death in boiling water. Torture refers to all kinds of torture.