敬业乐群怎么读 敬业乐群的意思

jìng yào qún



拼音: jìng yè yào qún

注音: ㄐ一ㄥˋ 一ㄝˋ 一ㄠˋ ㄑㄨㄣˊ

解释: 专心学习,和同学融洽相处。

出处: 西汉 戴圣《礼记 学记》:“一年视离经辨志,三年视敬业乐群。”

用法: 联合式;作谓语、定语;指乐于与朋友探讨学问。

英语: study diligently and benefit by the company of friends

单字解释: [敬]的意思 [业]的意思 [乐]的意思 [群]的意思


Professional dedication: against one's will to study; Lequn: happy to get along with good friends. Concentrate on your study and get along well with your classmates.