敦诗说礼怎么读 敦诗说礼的意思

dūn shī shuō



拼音: dūn shī shuō lǐ

注音: ㄉㄨㄣ ㄕ ㄕㄨㄛ ㄌ一ˇ

解释: 敦:敦厚。诗:《诗经》。诚恳地学《诗》,大力讲《礼》。旧时统治阶级表示要按照《诗经》温柔敦厚的精神和古礼的规定办事。

出处: 许地山《在费总理的客厅里》:“假使人来查办,一领他们到这敦诗说礼之堂来看看,捐册、帐本、褒奖状……他们还能指摘什么?”

例子: 假使人来查办,一领他们到这敦诗说礼之堂来看看,捐册、帐本、褒奖状……他们还能指摘什么?(许地山《在费总理的客厅里》)

用法: 作谓语、定语;指注重精神等。

近义词: 知书达理

单字解释: [敦]的意思 [诗]的意思 [说]的意思 [礼]的意思


Dun: Dun Hou. Poetry: the book of songs. Sincerely learn "poetry" and vigorously talk about "ceremony". In the old days, the ruling class said that they should act in accordance with the gentle and sincere spirit of the book of songs and the provisions of ancient rites.