敛手待毙怎么读 敛手待毙的意思

liǎn shǒu dài



拼音: liǎn shǒu dài bì

注音: ㄌ一ㄢˇ ㄕㄡˇ ㄉㄞˋ ㄅ一ˋ

解释: 犹言束手待毙。

出处: 宋·洪迈《容斋续笔·靖康时事》:“予顷修《靖康实录》,窃痛一时之祸,以堂堂大邦,中外之兵数十万,曾不能北向发一矢、获一胡,端坐都城,束手就毙。”

例子: 天下哪有敛手待毙的。清·黄小配《廿载繁华梦》第三十四回

用法: 作谓语、定语;指等死。

英语: await destruction in a resigned manner(wait for death with tied hands)

近义词: 束手待毙

单字解释: [敛]的意思 [手]的意思 [待]的意思 [毙]的意思


Dead: dead. Tie up your hands and wait to die. It is a metaphor for not actively trying to find a way when encountering difficulties, sitting and waiting for failure.