拼音: gǎi bù gǎi yù
注音: ㄍㄞˇ ㄅㄨˋ ㄍㄞˇ ㄩˋ
解释: 步:古代祭祀时祭者与尸相距的步数,以地位排列。改变步数,改换玉饰。指死者身份改变,安葬礼数也应变更。
出处: 左丘明《左传 定公五年》:“季平子行东野,还,未至。丙申,卒于房。阳虎将以玙璠敛,仲梁怀弗与,曰:‘改步改玉。’”
用法: 联合式;作谓语;借指改朝换代。
英语: Other status,other funeral
Step: the number of steps between the sacrificial person and the corpse in ancient sacrifice, arranged by position. Change the steps and jade ornaments. It refers to the change of the identity of the deceased, and the burial ceremony should also be changed.典故