操刀伤锦怎么读 操刀伤锦的意思

cāo dāo shāng jǐn



拼音: cāo dāo shāng jǐn

注音: ㄘㄠ ㄉㄠ ㄕㄤ ㄐ一ㄣˇ

解释: 操刀和割锦本不是一回事,后人并而为一,比喻才能太低,不能胜任责任重大的事情。

出处: 先秦 左丘明《左传 襄公三十一年》:“今吾子爱人则以政,犹未能操刀而使割也,其伤实多。子之爱人,伤之而已,其谁敢求爱于子?”

例子: 北朝·后魏·温子昇《为西河王谢太尉表》:“常恐执辔轻轮,操刀伤锦。”

用法: 连动式;作谓语;指不谙政事而出任官职。

英语: do something beyond one's capability and end in failure

近义词: 操刀制锦

单字解释: [操]的意思 [刀]的意思 [伤]的意思 [锦]的意思


Knife cutting and brocade cutting are not the same thing. Future generations are one. Their metaphorical ability is too low to be competent for matters of great responsibility.