搏牛之虻怎么读 搏牛之虻的意思

niú zhī méng



拼音: bó niú zhī méng

注音: ㄅㄛˊ ㄋ一ㄡˊ ㄓ ㄇㄥˊ

解释: 原意是说主要目标应像击杀牛背上的虻虫一样去灭掉秦国,而不是像消除虮虱那样去与别人打败。后来比喻其志在大而不在小。

出处: 《史记·项羽本纪》:“夫搏牛之(虻),不可以破虮虱。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;用于处事。

单字解释: [搏]的意思 [牛]的意思 [之]的意思 [虻]的意思


The original meaning is that the main goal should be to destroy the state of Qin like killing the Gadfly on the back of an ox, rather than defeat others like eliminating the lice. Later, it was compared that his ambition was big rather than small.