拼音: bǎi hé zòng héng
注音: ㄅㄞˇ ㄏㄜˊ ㄗㄨㄥˋ ㄏㄥˊ
解释: 捭阖,开合。纵横,合纵和连横的简称。以辞令探测、打动别人,在政治和外交上运用分化与争取的手段。
出处: 元胡祗遹《木兰花慢 赠歌妓》词:“看捭阖纵横,东强西弱,一转危机。”
例子: 元·胡忯遹《木兰花慢·赠歌妓》:“看捭阖纵横,东强西弱,一转危机。”
用法: 作宾语、定语;用于政治。
英语: manoeuvre among political groups
近义词: 纵横捭阖
Maneuver, open and close. Abbreviation for vertical and horizontal, combined vertical and horizontal. Use words to detect and impress others, and use the means of differentiation and struggle in politics and diplomacy.典故