拉朽摧枯怎么读 拉朽摧枯的意思

xiǔ cuī



拼音: lā xiǔ cuī kū

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解释: 同“摧枯拉朽”。

出处: 《旧五代史·唐书·庄宗纪》:“以吾愤激之众,击彼骄惰之师,拉朽摧枯,未云其易,解围定霸,在此一役。”

例子: 清·冯桂芬《按察使金公墓志铭》:“峨峨正阳,雄绝当途,悬布一跃,拉朽摧枯。”

用法: 作谓语、定语;指毫不费力地摧毁。

英语: as easily as breaking down rotten wood

近义词: 摧枯拉朽

单字解释: [拉]的意思 [朽]的意思 [摧]的意思 [枯]的意思


Destroy decaying vegetation. Easy to describe. It is also a metaphor for the powerful momentum of destroying decadent forces. The same as "destroying the withered and decaying".