抗颜为师怎么读 抗颜为师的意思

kàng yán wéi shī



拼音: kàng yán wéi shī

注音: ㄎㄤˋ 一ㄢˊ ㄨㄟˊ ㄕ

解释: 抗颜:不看别人脸色,态度严正不屈。为师:为人师表。不为他人所制约,不为潮流所左右,这种意志坚定的人可以作为学习的榜样。

出处: 唐·柳宗元《答韦中立论师道书》:“独韩愈奋不顾流俗,犯笑梅,收召后学,作《师说》,因抗颜而为师。”

用法: 作谓语、定语;用于书面语。

单字解释: [抗]的意思 [颜]的意思 [为]的意思 [师]的意思


Anti Yan: don't look at others' faces, have a solemn and unyielding attitude; Be a teacher: be a teacher. Not restricted by others, not influenced by the trend, this kind of person with firm will can be used as an example to learn from.