投石问路怎么读 投石问路的意思

tóu shí wèn



拼音: tóu shí wèn lù

注音: ㄊㄡˊ ㄕˊ ㄨㄣˋ ㄌㄨˋ

解释: 原指夜间潜入某处前,先投以石子,看看有无反应,借以探测情况。后用以比喻进行试探。

出处: 清·石玉昆《三侠五义》第12回:“此名为‘投石问路’。下面或是有沟,或是有水,就是落在实地,再没有听不出来的。”

例子: 熊召政《张居正》第一卷第22回:“这是投石问路,实乃一石二鸟。”

用法: 作谓语、定语;指探路。

谜语: 入客栈拼命三郎探盘陀

英语: grope one's way by throwing stones(sound out)

单字解释: [投]的意思 [石]的意思 [问]的意思 [路]的意思


It originally means that before sneaking into a place at night, throw stones to see if there is a reaction, so as to detect the situation. Later, it is used as a metaphor to test.