打草蛇惊怎么读 打草蛇惊的意思

cǎo shé jīng



拼音: dǎ cǎo shé jīng

注音: ㄉㄚˇ ㄘㄠˇ ㄕㄜˊ ㄐ一ㄥ

解释: 见“打草惊蛇”。

出处: 《景德传灯录·省念禅师》:“问:‘四众围观,师说何法?’师曰:‘打草蛇惊’”

例子: 但恐见黄商伯狼狈后,打草蛇惊,亦不敢放手做事耳。宋·朱熹《答黄仁卿书》

用法: 作谓语、定语、宾语;多用于否定句。

英语: To fright a bird is not the way to catch her.

近义词: 打草惊蛇

单字解释: [打]的意思 [草]的意思 [蛇]的意思 [惊]的意思


Beating grass startled the snake in the grass. The original metaphor punishes a and makes b alert. The latter metaphor is not cautious, but makes the other party on guard. The same as "beating grass and startling snakes".