戢鳞潜翼怎么读 戢鳞潜翼的意思

lín qián



拼音: jí lín qián yì

注音: ㄐ一ˊ ㄌ一ㄣˊ ㄑ一ㄢˊ 一ˋ

解释: 戢:收敛;潜:隐居。鱼儿收敛鳞甲,鸟儿收起翅膀。比喻人退出官场,归隐山林或蓄志待时。

出处: 《晋书 宣帝纪论》:“和光同尘,与时舒卷;戢鳞潜翼,思属风云。”

用法: 联合式;作谓语;指退官潜隐。

近义词: 戢鳞委翅

单字解释: [戢]的意思 [鳞]的意思 [潜]的意思 [翼]的意思


Original: convergence; Latent: seclusion. The fish gathers its scales and the bird gathers its wings. It is a metaphor for a person to withdraw from officialdom, retire to the mountains and forests, or be determined to wait for the time.