成王败寇怎么读 成王败寇的意思

chéng wáng bài kòu



拼音: chéng wáng bài kòu

注音: ㄔㄥˊ ㄨㄤˊ ㄅㄞˋ ㄎㄡˋ

解释: 成功的人称王称帝,失败者沦为草寇。

出处: 柳亚子《题战史》诗:“成王败寇漫相呼,直笔何人纵董狐。”

例子: 柳亚子《题战史》诗:“成王败寇漫相呼,直笔何人纵董狐。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;用于人。

英语: Either Caesar or nobody.


单字解释: [成]的意思 [王]的意思 [败]的意思 [寇]的意思


It used to mean that in the struggle for political power, those who succeeded were legal and were called emperors and kings; Those who fail are illegal and are called thieves. It contains the power of the winner, no one dares to blame, but the loser has an indescribable meaning.